Office of 任务


The Office of 任务 promotes and enhances the mission of Saint Mary’s College.

We support the participation of faculty, 员工和学生在一系列的活动,如研究, curriculum development, 沉浸, service programs, 撤退, discussions and institutes at SMC, 在旧金山/新奥尔良的喇沙修士区, the District of North America and in the International Institute of the Brothers of the Christian 学校.

Lasallian Formations Opportunities in 2024

Lasallian Award Winners in a chapel

Outstanding Lasallian Educators 2024

Amaury阿瓦洛斯, Staff and Claire Williams, Faculty were chosen as the Outstanding Lasallian Educators for 2024 for their dedication to the mission of Saint Mary's College and the five Lasallian Core Principles.

Soup and Substance

A group of 任务 and Ministry workers posing in front of a chapel and a statue

Discuss Lasallian Tradition

与教员讨论喇沙修士传统的机会, students and staff and a Christian Brother "host" while sharing soup in the Brother's Community. This is an informal gathering for colleagues and students to learn more about the charisma of De La Salle and our shared mission.

请通过sjamison@stmarys-ca联系Sally or (925) 631-4406 to sign up for a "Soup" date in the Alemany Community dining room

Back to the Office of 任务

Lasallian Showcase

In a quiet conference room of a Franciscan Brother’s retreat house in 新墨西哥, 我和其他喇沙修士教育者一起坐在祈祷圈里.  The organizers asked me to recite a poem authored by Archbishop Oscar Romero, “Prophets of a Future Not Our Own,” which read in part:

This is what we are about:

we plant seeds that one day will 成长.

We water seeds already planted,

knowing that they hold future promise.




the master builder and the worker.


We are prophets of a future not our own.

Upon reading the poem I immediately added it to my daily meditation as it seemed like a natural extension to my favorite parable.

有一个撒种的出去撒种。撒种的时候, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it.  And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away because it lacked moisture. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it.  And others fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bore fruit a hundredfold.

St. 路加福音8:5 -8

As I later said to the other teachers, it was during the study of those two lessons that I realized my calling as a Lasallian educator was, 事实上, 神圣的职责.

2005年7月,在圣. Mary’s College and the Catholic Institute of Lasallian 社会行动 (CILSA) I attended, along with other SMC professors, the Lasallian Social Justice Institute’s Conference on Global Economic Justice in Texas, Ciudad Juarez (Mexico) and Mesilla Park, 新墨西哥.  The first half of the week-long workshop was conducted as an immersion program in Mexico where we spoke with Mexican and Central American migrants and non-profit organizers on both sides of the Texas/Mexico border.  The latter half of the week was spent in 新墨西哥 where we attended several workshops regarding the economic realities of globalization for citizens of both Mexico and the United States; evening sessions focused upon the teaching of St. John Baptist de La Salle and our role as educators in Lasallian institutions.

当我专注于罗梅罗大主教的话和圣经时, I began likening my teaching to that of the Sower.  而我种下的教训的种子可能会立即开花, sprout at a later date, or simply not take root, I believe that my teaching methodologies and philosophies provide the students with the foundations necessary to learn, 成长, 和适应.  It my privilege to teach at a Lasallian institution where such work with students is valued and I can carry on in the spirit of St. La Salle.

——Dana R. 埃雷拉,Ph值.D. Associate Professor of Anthropology

Juarez, MX is considered the murder capital of the world; drug
violence is out of control. There are daily reports about the violence
Americans are warned to stay out of Juarez. But life goes on there –
their children.  Who is helping them? This is a story of how one

克里斯蒂娜’s Children

wood pallets, cardboard, tires, and tar paper. Day and evening,
children played in the dirt streets; there were no playgrounds,
recreation centers, libraries, or athletic fields.

instead of playing in the streets, the children who lived near 克里斯蒂娜
Estrada began dropping by her house after school.  You would have
and doing their homework.  克里斯蒂娜 was there too, offering help and
鼓励.  如果你一直看着这一切,你会的

three educational buildings; the older students are tutoring the
年轻的. 现在有一个小图书馆和电脑
for the students. 克里斯蒂娜 and other adults also teach the children
关于他们的文化——通过舞蹈、服装和音乐.  克里斯蒂娜
community’s children.

nurses, psychologists, and teachers. You would realize what an
history for educational achievement in Anapra. You would recognize
The Anapra Education 项目

项目. 我们是教育工作者、学生、教职员工和毕业生,
熟悉了克里斯蒂娜·埃斯特拉达的作品.   While visiting
impoverished colonia. Inspired by 克里斯蒂娜’s commitment and service

$250,000 to help 克里斯蒂娜’s children. Our work began because we
Anapra, MX; we continue because we want to keep the lessons

As teachers, we often speak of our goal as the transformation of the student. 这是, we don’t simply want to communicate facts to young women and men; we want to foster the kind of educational environment that allows for radical changes in their perception of the world—a world that they thought they knew. These are the proverbial “a-ha” moments. 当我回顾自己的智力和精神成长时, I count myself fortunate to have had a few such experiences where data and knowledge suddenly became wisdom and insight. 最惨痛的一次发生在2005年夏天. 当时我刚刚在十大正规网赌平台完成了第一年的教职工作, and I had been invited to learn a little bit more about the Lasallian mission by joining a cohort of educators on the U.S.-Mexico border for a week of education and immersion into the issues of immigration and 社会 justice. 在那一周的课程中,我学到了很多关于政治的知识, about economics, about Catholic Social Teaching. I also met some wonderful people on both sides of the border whose faces I can still see. However, I already knew people who were immigrants and knew their stories. 我也知道一些复杂的法律, 社会, and economic realities that face our world. What I did not know—or better, had never understood—was the reality of a border, 生活在世界的边界上是什么感觉.

We spent the first several days of our trip on the Mexican side of the border, in Ciudad Juarez, sleeping at a shelter that existed to allow migrants to gain their strength, before they attempted the hazardous journey across the deserts of southern Texas and 新墨西哥. 这是一个贫穷和炎热的严酷而令人不安的现实, but not radically different than the Mississippi delta region that I call home. 事实上, 避难所仍在华雷斯市内, 在很多方面与美国的城市相似吗, with neighborhoods, megamarts, 和高速公路. 直到我们离开城市,世界才发生了变化. On the outskirts of Juarez are the colonias, 居住在文明世界尽头的棚户区. We had the opportunity to spend some time with the people of one such colonia named Anapra. Concrete blocks and metal siding, 还有来自我们世界的各种各样的垃圾, made up the homes of the people there. Wires littered the dusty streets as the people siphoned electricity from nearby electric poles. There was no sewer, no city services. It was a hard life of struggle, 尽管当地的牧师和老师给我们带来了一线希望, who were doing so much to serve the community. As hard as it was to see such poverty, the drive home was so much harder. We climbed into our vans, thankful for the comfort of air conditioning in the sweltering heat of northern Mexico, and we drove the several miles of dust back to the paved highway that led to the city. At the junction between dirt and concrete, I looked up just to my left, to see a beautiful building of stone and glass, 在不到一百码远的午后阳光下闪闪发光. I asked the driver what the building was. 他的回答是,这是德克萨斯大学埃尔帕索分校的一部分. The “a-ha” hit me hard. It suddenly dawned on me, the reality of their world, the reality of a border life. It was not just that the people in Anapra lived in abject poverty and struggle. 这是 sad, and it is terrible. But what is unthinkable is that they live in such poverty quite literally in the shadow of such wealth—and no matter how close it is, they can never touch it. It just towers over them, 诱人的, 羞辱, mocking and—I am quite sure—completely unaware of those who live in the valley below.

Karl Marx once said that no man knows that he lives in a shack until his neighbor builds a castle next door. Before my trip to the border with the Lasallian Social Justice Institute, I had no idea what this meant. Now I cannot see the world in any other way.

Zach Flanagin

Associate Professor of Theology & Religious Studies

Saint Mary’s College of California